Counselling for Trauma


Trauma is an experience that overwhelms you. It is something that you cannot encompass - it is an intense reaction to a disturbing/horrendous event. We may experience trauma in the form of one adverse event or a series of overwhelming difficult events or interactions. The reaction from this is so intense that you want to forget the event, erase it from your mind and not think about it. However, these traumas trigger you and become hard to not think about. It's visceral; the body cannot process the event and it renders you completely helpless, it can lead you unhealthy coping techniques.

Experiencing trauma could result in symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, avoidance behaviours, and difficulty sleeping. When you are triggered, you may have symptoms of dissociation, memory lapses and feelings of reexperiencing the event. Trauma affects everyone differently. Trauma can also be categorised as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Trauma can have a lasting impact on our lives, causing us to feel isolated and alone.

It's hard to open up about our experiences with trauma, especially when we feel like it’s only happening to us and no one will understand.

Trauma-informed therapy is based on the understanding that trauma can impact a person's emotional, mental & physical health. I have extensive training in dealing with trauma, particularly gender-based violence, and my therapy incorporates interventions in the context of my client’s trauma history, triggers, and individual needs. 

Therapy will help you process your experiences, work through your emotions, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

You can meet me in person in Bangkok, Thailand, or schedule an online appointment for my therapy services at Three Point Counselling.

 “Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.”

― Bessel A. van der Kolk,